Thursday, October 22, 2009

The Bomb Project

The Bomb Project tackles the issues of nuclear bombs and organizes them into easily digestible facts. The representation on the site of nuclear destruction is manifested is swf files and color schemes as well as various image slide shows. The color scheme is a predictable neon green, and the layout is cluttered, but this is a result of categorizing extreme amounts of information. The art is different from the traditional presentation of imagery because it spreads out in all directions like the root of a tree and finds us entangled in a maze of different pathways. The issue of time comes up as well. For someone to root through "The Bomb Project" and find EVERYTHING it takes up time. The traditional way of looking at an oil panting or photograph takes but a second to ingest and to process through. If after 2 seconds of looking you have seen enough you can move on and still have a general concept of what has transpired in the piece. The website , on the other end of the spectrum, engages a viewer and makes them interact through the use of time and the act of navigation. The Bomb Project has achieved social awareness through the art of the website and also integrated many forms into one easily digestible space.

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