Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Institute for Applied Autonomy

The Iaa, or institute for applied autonomy conducts a website devoted to usurping
the control of engineering power from the overbearing right wing community to a decidedly more anarchisit type of society. They work from grants to patent machinery of a revolutionary nature such as vans that can spraypaint subversive text straight on the street as it is driving or designing robots to handout subversive literature that would generally not be taken from a hippie. The website is presented in a decidedly corporate way, as if it was promoting the new line of super car from the automotive giant general motors. The underlying sarcasm of the group is only thinly veiled and shows a contempt for the trappings of a post-patriot act society. The rational behind the site seems to be take the power from those who abuse it and give it to those who oppose them thus leveling the playing field. The group hands technology to the ones oppressed by it like a modern day Robin Hood. The somber blue and white layout and grayed text taglines are easily recognizable as the layouts and colors of institutions everywhere. It makes you both relieved and uncomfortable to think of the information and technology being handed to Joe Schmo on the street corner, but relly is it that much worse than where it lies now?

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